Alina's Story

Alina Rubin is an IT professional and a mom. During the pandemic, she wrote her first novel, A Girl with a Knife, which later won the Illinois Soon To Be Famous Author 2022 Competition. She is now working on two historical fiction series, both featuring heroines with strong voices and able hands. Her company, Hearts and Sails Author Services, is   helping other indie authors to publish books of their dreams.



In 2023, Alina became a Paper Lantern Writer.  Paper Lantern Writers is a selective group of authors collaborating on bringing high quality historical fiction to readers.

Lantern head shots

Alina obtained a B.S. and M.S. degrees in Business and Information Technology from DePaul University. She lives near Chicago with her husband and daughter. When not working or writing, she enjoys yoga, hiking, and traveling. She also writes short stories, features about historical women, as well as personal and travel accounts on her A Girl On Adventure Blog.


Glenview TV Off the Shelf Interview                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jewish Chicago (JUF) Magazine Feature on Abigail's Song (Page 23) Article

Alina discusses historical novels with Vanessa Riley Interview

Chicago Tribune/Daily Herald Annoucement of  Illinois Soon To Be Famous Author Contest Finalists
Illinois Soon To Be Famous Author Project Blog
Ukrainian-American Magazine  Interview
She Shed Studios Interview 
Niles-Maine Library Podcast 
Label Free Podcast interview on Youtube
The Authors Show Interview 
Tim Spadoni's Song Skywatcher Elanna's Lyrics 
History through Fiction with Colin Mustful podcast
Women Positive with Patricia Dent podcast
History Bards with Dee Marley Video Podcast
What's New in Historical Fiction with Colin Mustful (History through Fiction)- Author Panel