I've been featured in Author Spotlight by awesome Sayre Ambrosio
See her blog here!
Sayre: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Alina: I had a story in my head since early last year. One day in February, I woke up with an urge to write. Exactly a year later, I am launching my first book.
Sayre: How long does it take you to write a book?
Alina: The first draft took me 3 months. Then 3 more months to self-edit and build on the first draft, with some help from beta readers.
Sayre: Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Alina: Hugely energizes me. It takes me to my happy place.
Sayre: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Alina: I get up very early to write and literally jump out of bed. The jump starts my morning right.
Sayre: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
Alina: My first book was about a 19th century doctor. It required lots of research about history of medicine. I read many non-fiction books and old medical journals for research. Yet much was left to my imagination.
Sayre: When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Alina: I started writing my first book a year ago and I was 41. I did not do any other creative writing since 8th grade with exception of letters and notes for my daughter.
Sayre: What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Alina: My full-time job is IT Compliance analyst. I'm also a wife and a mom. I enjoy yoga, reading, and traveling.
Sayre: Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer If so what are they?
Alina: Set a routine to write every day. Connect with other writers for support. Receive feedback without getting defensive. Don't compare your draft with someone else's masterpiece. Check out Jessica Brody's classes, and if you want to write novels, her book Save The Cat Writes a Novel.
Sayre: What is your writing Kryptonite?
Alina: Ensuring that the words and expressions I use have been around in the 19th century. I often have to change wording because my language is too modern, and I need to find something else to say that would be appropriate for 19th century England.
Sayre: What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better writer?
Alina: I found two critique partners that are fabulous. They look at my drafts in great detail, pointing out words that are too modern, ideas that may not fit the time of the story, confusing wording, or chapters that need more spark. I try to do the same for them.
Sayre: How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
Alina: I will found out soon! A Girl with a Knife is coming out February 26, 2022
Sayre: Whats your favorite underappreciated novel?
Alina: I grew up reading Jules Verne and Alexandre Dumas, as well as other classic adventure authors. Few people read them these days. My favorites are In Search of Castaways by Verne and Count of Month Cristo by Dumas.
Sayre: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Alina: Yes, there is subtle foreshadowing right in chapter one. Also there are clues to one character's secret in several places.
Sayre: What does literary success look like to you?
Alina: Strangers telling me they read my book. Seeing my book on the library shelves. Getting many reviews. (I have a goal to receive 50 reviews the week of the launch). Publishing all the books I plan (at least 5 for Hearts and Sails series).
Sayre: Do you have any events or special things coming up?
Alina: My debut, A Girl with a Knife will launch on February 26,2022
Sayre: Where can people find you on social media?
Facebook - Alina Rubin Author https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075850823971
Instagram Alina.Rubin.Author https://www.instagram.com/alina.rubin.author/
Sayre: Where can we find your books?
Alina: Initially on Amazon, later on Ingram Spark.

After a heartbreaking loss of her mother and a cruel attack by her mad father, Ella Parker decides that dishonesty is fine when it serves her needs. At the time when wealthy young ladies do little more than embroidery, Ella escapes her luxurious but lonely life, disguises herself as a male medical student, and finds her footing in the university; but when she brilliantly saves a patient and gains approval of a famed professor, she must choose between truth and lies, and distinguish between real and false friends, before her pretense is discovered.
Enjoy a gripping adventure set in 19th century medical school, decades before anesthesia, germ theory, or antibiotics. Follow Ella as she cares for patients, conducts experiments, and learns the value of friendship.
Praise for A Girl with a Knife
☆☆☆☆☆ “A Girl with a Knife is a riveting, juiced-up morality tale, predicted blockbuster success!”
~ 9 Minute Books Review Team